Sunday, September 21, 2014

twenty one: fall loves

About 2 weeks ago I said to one of my interns, today I am ready for fall to start. I'll pack away my shorts and smile rather than cringe when I see pumpkins. The next day the temperature literally dropped 30 degrees and it started raining. I'm glad I was mentally prepared!

Like so many others, I love fall. It's my favorite season so answering the blogtember challenge question of, "What do you love most about this season?" is pretty easy. 

Long walks through the color-changing forest.
Flannels and scarves.
Pumpkin all the things. (Except pumpkin pie, don't love that one.) 
Slower days with lingering rays of sunshine. 

And of course... pumpkin spice lattes. 
During the 2 years I was a Starbucks barista, I had a daily PSL. Now that I live 45 minutes from the 'bucks I make them on my home espresso machine and I've nearly perfected the art. The best part is that when all the whipped cream topping disappears I can just add a new layer. 

This fall I'm really excited because we have quite a few trips, traditions and special events planned. I love the anticipation of watching the dates approach on the calendar. 

From top left, clockwise: 
Weekend in Cadillac, Michigan with my sister, her boyfriend and my parents exploring, biking and hot tubing. It was a great way to welcome the fall season!

Annual girl's weekend getaway with my college friends!

Family thanksgiving trip to North Carolina to visit my husband's sister, grandparents and other family. I've never been and heard that the park where they filmed Hunger Games is nearby... Any tips for North Carolina? (image)

3rd anniversary getaway to the Upper Peninsula with my husband to see Pictured Rocks, Tahquahmenon Falls and eat some pasties! We'll be staying right on Lake Superior! (image)

After listing that all out I'm even more excited! In fact, I think it's time for another homemade pumpkin spice latte to cap off this rainy, lazy Sunday afternoon. I hope you're loving autumn!

Brave Love Blog

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