Monday, September 8, 2014

eight: my jams!

Every few months I identify a few new songs as "my jams" and my interns and summer staff roll their eyes at me. Apparently I'm not cool enough to get away with that kind of language. Or maybe no one gets away with it? Either way, I'mt not stopping.

I love pandora at work (favorite stations are Rend Collective and All Sons and Daughters) but recently got a spotify premium membership so I could listen to it while running so that's pretty awesome. It's pretty difficult to narrow down my favorite anythings so here are some things I enjoy for a myriad of reasons.

To get you pumped... 
Roar by Katy Perry
Brave by Sara Bareilles
(I see a girl power theme in here...)

When you want to pretend you are a lot more tough than you really are...
Joyful Noise by Lecrae (this one gets the most eye rolling) 
Ooh, Ahh by Grits and Toby Mac

For when you just need to dance...
Shake It Off by Taylor Swift
Happy by Pharrell Williams

For worship...
Christ Be All Around Us by All Sons & Daughters
Restless by Audrey Assad
Cornerstone by Hillsong

When things are hard and I need reminders...
Have Your Way by Britt Nicole
Who You Are by JJ Heller
You Are For Me by Kari Jobe

On a rainy day...
The Civil Wars (fun fact, Joy is a camp kid like me!) 

When I'm feeling lovey dovey...
(all used in our wedding coincidentally) 
Inevitable by Anberlin
Dancing In The Minefields by Andrew Peterson
Something In The Water by Brooke Fraser

What are you listening to? I am always in the market for something new! What category did I miss?

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