Sunday, November 3, 2013

Day Tripping: Art Prize

In college my husband started as an art minor and switched because he wasn't "weird" enough to understand the projects. I am a clumsy crafter so it'd be quite a stretch to say we're art enthusiasts. We are enthusiastic about ArtPrize, Grand Rapids art competition that spans the city for a few weeks each fall.

On a beautiful sunny Monday we drove down to explore! I went to college near Grand Rapids and worked downtown so I'm pretty familiar and love that city. One of my favorite things about ArtPrize is that you get to go into businesses and buildings you wouldn't normally experience, I always find something new!

Here are some of our favorite entries. 

Where else do you see a giant coming out of the earth, mosaic made of sequins and room spun of wool? Did I mention it's FREE?! Add a delicious Thai lunch, local roasted coffee and a fro-yo stop and you've got just about the perfect day. Thanks for being so awesome, Grand Rapids. I'm a fan.