Saturday, September 6, 2014

six: currently

Happy Saturday! I'm sitting on my front porch with my feet up sipping a diet coke through a straw from my mason jar cup and soaking up these last few summer rays. Here are a few other things I'm up to currently...

not... apologizing for missing yesterday. I figure if I hit 2/3 of the #blogtember challenge I'm doing well!

celebrating...  I ran my first ever 5k today! For a girl who couldn't even run 1 minute a year ago I'm feeling pretty proud and impressed with what this body can do. It was a color run and my sweet husband 'jogged' along with my short, slow legs and we had a ton of fun. I still can't get the color out of my bellybutton!

watching... Netflix! My current shows are Parks and Rec, Chuck and 19 Kids and Counting.

listening... to podcasts galore! The Relevant Magazine podcast is my very favorite and I'm also currently checking out Around the Table, Catalyst, and Wait, Wait... Don't Tell Me. Are you a podcaster?

reading... Ezekiel & Daniel in my chronological Bible. I may not have blogged it but the Word In, Word Out project is still going. This afternoon as a part of my race recovery I treated myself to hours of uninterrupted hammock time and read, "The Violets of March" by Sarah Jio in one afternoon.

cooking... for the first time in months! Since my husband and I both work full-time at a camp we've been eating in the dining hall since May. I went to the grocery store yesterday and whoa, overwhelming! I barely remember what to make so grilled chicken tonight it'll be. I'm using this recipe.

starting... to lead my first official Bible study! I've invited all the camp ladies and our new interns to a weekly study at my house. We're going to do, "Anointed, Transformed, Redeemed". Has anyone ever done it? I'm a little nervous but praying that God will use this to speak into our lives and build our community.

creating... cards to send off in the mail and a lace and burlap table runner just in time for fall. I also picked up 4 cans of spray paint to put a little life back into some of our old yard furniture just in time for a bonfire we're hosting tonight. Aren't they cheery looking?

What are you up to currently? 
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Brave Love Blog


  1. Yay, Parks & Rec! Not many people in my area watch it (or have even heard of it) so I always get so excited when other people say they love it! Who's your favorite character?

  2. Is it weird to say I feel like I'm just getting to know them? I really enjoy Leslie and am starting to get why Ron Swanson is such a legend. What about you?

  3. Oh, Ron... have you seen the episode where he shares his Pyramid of Greatness yet? Well, I have a copy hanging above my bed, if that means anything. ;)

  4. My husband runs, but I've never been a runner in the slightest, so I'm very impressed by your 5K!

  5. I am, too! I never ever thought I'd do something like that, it's a pretty cool feeling. I used the couch to 5k app and started running 30 seconds at a time.

  6. I have not seen that one but I'm sure looking forward to it!
